Manitoba Public Insurance reported a net income of $61.3 million for the nine months of its fiscal year ending November 30, 2017 – an increase of $60.6 million over the same time period last year.
As Manitobans deal with extreme cold temperatures, Manitoba Public Insurance is encouraging vehicle owners to inspect their extension cords.
The combination of keen-eyed estimators, security cameras, highly-experienced investigators and tips from the general public all proved to be valuable in assisting Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) in its anti-fraud efforts in 2017.
Manitoba Public Insurance is encouraging all motorists to conclude that losing even one Manitoban from motor vehicle collisions is one too many – and is encouraging motorists to resolve to make 2018 the safest-ever year on Manitoba roadways.
Thousands of Manitoba high school students will listen to impactful, first-person stories of how making a bad decision can lead to death or life-changing injuries as the result of an automobile collision through Manitoba Public Insurance’s popular Friends for Life speaker series.
October was a disturbing month on Manitoba roadways – 12,000 collision claims were reported while 12 people were killed in auto-related collisions on public roadways.
November 15 is a sombre day for thousands of Canadians who have tragically lost loved ones to road collisions. The National Day of Remembrance for road crash victims is spearheaded by the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators and supported by Manitoba Public Insurance.
Minister of Crown Services Cliff Cullen and Manitoba Public Insurance announced that nearly 80,000 loans have been processed for Manitobans taking advantage of the province’s low-interest Winter Tire Program.
Manitoba Public Insurance is advising anyone looking to purchase a vehicle from the United States to carefully check the status of the vehicle before they close the deal.
Eastman, including the communities of Steinbach, Lac du Bonnet, Anola, Birds Hill Park area and Falcon Lake, remains the number one region for vehicle-deer collisions, according to Manitoba Public Insurance.