The Associate Director of the Swine Health Information Center is advising pork producers, especially those operating sow farms, to be paying particular attention to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome.
The Associate Director of the Swine Health Information Center reports continued increased porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome and Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea activity last month, a reflection of the winter weather.
The Associate Director of the Swine Health Information Center (SHIC) says the ongoing spread and resurgence of African Swine Fever remains the dominant global swine disease concern.
The Associate Director of the Swine Health Information Center suggests an accurate diagnosis of the cause of diarrhea in pigs is key to formulating the most effective treatment.
The Swine Health Information Center is exploring the potential of using tongue tips as a diagnostic tool to identify and track emerging diseases.
The Swine Health Information Center is inviting input from all pork sector stakeholders as it completes the development of its 2024 plan of work.
The Swine Health Information Center is encouraging pork producers to familiarize themselves with USDA’s newly updated African Swine Fever Response plan.
The Swine Health Information Center reports five new research projects have been approved for funding under the 2.3 million dollar Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Research Program.
The Swine Health Information Center is requesting broad input from industry as it formulates the Plan of Work that will guide its activities during the coming year.
Pork producers are being advised to increase their focus this fall on biosecurity to reduce the spread of PRRS from pigs in the wean to market phase of production to sow farms.