Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating a number of break and enters that occurred at CherryHill Living RV Park, located on Park Road East near Steinbach.
Steinbach RCMP are reporting that a 51-year-old male suspect has been arrested and charged in connection to a recent sexual assault incident that occurred in Blumenort, Manitoba.
The City of Steinbach is advising the public that Loewen Boulevard from Walnut Street to Old Tom Road and Hespeler Street from Lyndhurst Gate to Loewen Boulevard will be closed on Saturday, October 15, 2022.
While catalytic converter theft rates have plummeted since the summer as a result of legislative changes, law enforcement efforts and a partnership with Winnipeg Crime Stoppers, the Manitoba government is continuing efforts to protect Manitobans from those who are profiting from this type of theft.
Annual sewer cleaning and televising throughout Steinbach will take place starting Tuesday, October 11 until Wednesday, October 19. During this time, nearly 8,000 metres of pipe will be cleaned and televised.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for any information regarding a pickup truck that was imitating a police vehicle at a location on Highway 12 North in the Rural Municipality of Hanover.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for any information that may be related to a recent break and enter incident that occurred in Zhoda, Manitoba.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for any information that may help in numerous investigations involving recent mischief to vehicles located in both Blumenort and Steinbach, Manitoba.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for any information that may be connected to a recent theft incident that occurred at the Canadian Tire store located on Highway 12 North in Steinbach.
Steinbach RCMP are reporting that the Canadian Tire store in Steinbach was recently the scene of a theft incident involving a number of tool chests being stolen from a trailer parked at the rear of the building.