Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating a recent break and enter incident which resulted in a quantity of tools being stolen from a local construction site.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating a break and enter incident that recently occurred at a business located on Keating Road in Steinbach, Manitoba.
The Steinbach Chamber of Commerce Board and Staff recently announced the hire of Anna Mondor as Steinbach’s first Director of Economic Development. This recently created position is part of a five-year pilot program developed in a public/private partnership between the City of Steinbach, Steinbach Chamber, and a stakeholder group comprised of 26 private business owners.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating the recent theft of two snowmobiles and a trailer. The incident occurred at a residence located on Penner Street in Steinbach.
Steinbach RCMP are currently looking to identify a customer who recently lost his temper and assaulted staff with food and coffee at the McDonald’s restaurant located in Steinbach.
Reflecting on the past year, the Steinbach Chamber recognizes with gratitude a year of generosity and innovation within the local business community. While the past two years have been anything but easy for businesses, the Steinbach Chamber continues to work as the voice of business within the community at all levels of government.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating a theft incident that occurred at a gravel pit in the Rural Municipality of Tache. Police also say that mischief was done to the property at the time of the incident.
The City of Steinbach is informing the public that from Monday, January 24 to Wednesday, January 26, 2022, soil condition testing will be taking place between 9am and 3pm at the intersection of Loewen Boulevard and PTH 12N in Steinbach.
A special weather statement has been issued for Steinbach and southern Manitoba stating that heavy snow and strong winds can be expected in the coming days as an Alberta clipper moves across the Prairies Monday night. Cold weather is expected starting Wednesday.
Steinbach RCMP are currently investigating the recent theft of a 2017 Hyundai Elantra which occurred during the morning hours of January 13, 2022.