Posted on 02/24/2009, 3:39 pm, by mySteinbach

The Government of Canada introduced amendments to the Canada Grain Act to modernize the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) in order to better reflect the current realities facing grain farmers.

“We are delivering real action for our farmers so that they can continue to fuel our economy and remain competitive both at home and abroad,” said Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz. “We look forward to working with our Parliamentary colleagues to make sure the CGC continues to meet the needs of farmers and the entire industry.”

The proposed changes to the Act and CGC are consistent with the goals expressed in the Government’s Growing Forward framework for Agriculture. They will contribute to building a lower-cost, more effective and innovative grain sector.

The proposed changes are based on recommendations of the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food following a public, comprehensive and independent review of the Act and the CGC in 2006. Stakeholders were consulted extensively and given many opportunities to provide input throughout the review process.

In December 2007, the Government introduced this amendment in the form of Bill C-39. Bill C-39 died on the order paper in September 2008.