Sample of art on display from the 'You' exhibit.
The Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre will be hosting an opening ceremony celebration for Ariana Fast on March 7 at 7pm in the Hall Gallery of the Centre. The exhibit, ‘You’, will run from March 2-23.
Ariana is a self-taught artist born and raised in Steinbach, Manitoba. She has always had an interest in visual arts, discovered mainly through various school projects. When Ariana was 17, she began to create artwork intentionally and purposefully. She has been disciplined in the last three years to develop her technique and also a distinctive style. Working with a combination of tools from drywall putty knives and palette knives, to paint brushes, Ariana has discovered a fascination with the creation of facial expression.
Ariana entered a painting in the nation-wide youth art contest last year hosted by the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa. Her piece was chosen as one of the top 12 finalists where it was displayed in the National Gallery this last summer. She also entered a piece in the 13th Annual Southeast Open Judged Art Exhibit (2011), in which she placed first in the medium of acrylic.
Everyone is invited to attend the opening ceremony. Refreshments will be served. There is no admission, but a Toonie donation is requested and greatly appreciated.