Posted on 06/05/2013, 3:41 pm, by mySteinbach

This spring, many Manitobans will eagerly dust off their bicycles and head out to ride and enjoy the outdoors. The RCMP are advising the public of some basic rules to stay safe.

Cycling is an activity enjoyed by many children and as such, educating our children on bike safety is paramount. Children often make hasty decisions without due regards for their safety. Often, they don’t realize the potentially devastating consequences of their decisions.

Children tend to copy behavior – good or bad. As parents, setting a good example will go a long way towards your child’s safety.

Here are some basic rules when it comes to keeping you and your family safe while cycling:

  • Cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as drivers of motor vehicles. You must obey the same rules of the road when riding your bike on the street as you do when driving your car.
  • Ride defensively, anticipate actions of vehicles and stay alert for hazards. Shoulder check each time you turn or move out to pass.
  • Stop at all intersections. Look left, right and left again before proceeding.
  • Cyclist must ride on the right side of the roadway, single file.
  • Be aware of debris or potholes in the road that could make you swerve or crash.
  • Make sure your bike is in proper working order each time you ride.
  • If you will be riding after dark, make sure your bike is equipped with a headlight and appropriate reflectors. Make yourself visible: wear bright reflective clothing.
  • Bike helmets protect riders of all ages. Helmets are now compulsory in Manitoba for cyclists under 18 years of age. Failure to do so may result in a $50 dollar fine.
  • Make sure your helmet meets current, approved helmet safety standards (e.g., look for a CSA or Snell sticker). Make sure it fits snug, level and stable.

We all share the road. The RCMP “D” Division is committed to make every effort to ensure Manitobans enjoy the safest roads possible. Throughout the summer months, the public can expect continued education and enforcement.

Safety is everyone’s business. Make it yours!