Posted on 05/02/2009, 8:03 am, by mySteinbach

Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Steve Ashton, minister responsible for emergency measures, today announced the launch of Emergency Preparedness Week, May 3 to 9, and encouraged Manitobans to take a number of simple steps to be ready for emergencies.
“Knowing the risks, making emergency plans and getting emergency kits can help Manitobans prepare for emergency situations,” said Ashton.  “Flood waters remain an issue for many areas of Manitoba this spring and we know there are more potential summer challenges yet to come. Being prepared for anything nature sends our way is a part of life in our province. Emergencies can strike at any time and anywhere, often with little or no notice.  Preparedness starts at home and whether you’re eight or 80, everyone has a role to play in becoming better prepared.”
Learning how to prepare for tornadoes and other disasters is an important part of Scouts Canada’s new Emergency Preparedness (EP) Program.  Launched earlier this year, the program features two new badges, one for Cubs and one for Scouts, supporting material developed by federal and provincial emergency preparedness experts. To celebrate this program’s introduction, Scouts Canada encouraged its members to take up the Emergency Preparedness Challenge by sampling any part of the new program, for example, making a 72-hour survival kit, preparing their families and pets for emergencies, or practising first aid.
“We’ve been excited by the response from thousands of Scouting members across the country who’ve taken up this challenge,” said Rob Stewart, CEO, Scouts Canada. “The response to our EP contest, which culminated with a draw on April 22, highlighted our commitment to help the communities we live in be prepared for just about any environmental disaster that comes their way.”
Information about the program can be found online
Emergency Preparedness Week is a national campaign co-ordinated by Public Safety Canada together with all provinces and territories. 

First responders (police officers, firefighters, paramedics and others), industry and non-governmental organizations all plan activities for EP Week.  It is a collaborative event undertaken by many and supports activities at the local level.
More information is available at or