The Steinbach Arts Council is pleased to present the True Jive Pluckers, performing at the Grace Mennonite Church on November 5.

True Jive Pluckers will be performing at the Grace Mennonite Church in Steinbach.
The True Jive Pluckers, comprised of Ed Minevich (violin), Jack Semple (guitar) and Steve McLellan (bass) is an incomparable trio of musicians. These three dynamic showmen defy the traditional, the ordinary, and they do this by combining their individual talents, charm and years of experience as musicians, to create shows that encompass a broad variety of musical genres. Everything from jazz to blues, swing, rock, country, klezmer, gypsy, classical and tango, with their own original arrangements and some original compositions – they do it all and they do it very well.
The True Jive Pluckers will be performing on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 7:30pm. The venue will be the Grace Mennonite Church, located at 430 Third Street in Steinbach. For ticket information, please call the Steinbach Arts Council at 204-346-1077.