The final week of the RCMP Holiday Checkstop program from December 23, 2013, to January 1, 2014, has resulted in numerous charges.
- 2096 vehicles were checked across Manitoba during 74 Checkstops
- 22 people were charged with either Impaired Driving or Drive Over .08
- The average blood/alcohol reading was 163 mgs% (0.163) – just over twice the legal limit
- The highest blood/alcohol reading was 260 mgs% (0.260) – nearly three times the legal limit
- An additional 5 people were charged with Refusal and 1 charged with Impaired by a Drug
Other stats from week four of the 2013/2014 program include:
- 18 administrative alcohol-related roadside suspensions
- 14 people charged for not wearing their seatbelts
- 324 other traffic-related provincial statute (Highway Traffic Act) charges laid
- 18 charges under the Liquor Control Act
- 52 written warnings
- 8 other Criminal Code driving offences, including a charge of Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle while being pursued by police
There was one fatal motor vehicle collision during the final week of the Christmas Checkstop Program on New Year’s Eve in Reinfeld, where a pedestrian was struck by a vehicle. The driver was not impaired.
Last year during week four, RCMP members conducted 102 Checkstops, checking 4192 vehicles resulting in 28 people being charged with Criminal Code Impaired Driving.
Total Program Results
Extreme cold temperatures and occasional blizzard-like conditions throughout the month severely hampered this year’s efforts. Despite the frigid temperatures, the four-week total for the RCMP Christmas Checkstop Program shows that 10,094 vehicles were checked during 357 Checkstops, with 110 people being charged with a Criminal Code Impaired Driving Offence (Impaired, Over .08, Refusal, Impaired by Drug). RCMP also issued 46 alcohol-related tiered administrative suspensions. Other stats from the 2013/2014 program include: 27 other Criminal Code Driving offences; 33 charges for failing to wear a seatbelt; 50 Liquor Control Act charges; and 1042 other Highway Traffic Act offences. Five people were killed as a result of four fatal collisions during this year’s Checkstop program – none of the deaths were a result of Impaired Driving.
Last year during the 2012/2013 program, RCMP checked 17,391 vehicles during 424 checkstops, resulting in 141 people being charged with a Criminal Code Impaired Driving offence (Impaired, Over .08, Refusal, Impaired by Drug). RCMP had issued 49 alcohol-related administrative suspensions in addition to 35 other Criminal Code driving offences, 98 charges for failing to wear a seatbelt, and 2493 other Highway Traffic Act offences. Three people were killed in three separate traffic collisions last year during the program – one death was a result of Impaired Driving.