Posted on 12/18/2014, 11:13 am, by mySteinbach
Week two of the RCMP Holiday Checkstop Program, from December 8, 2014, to December 14, 2014, has resulted in numerous charges.
- 2,883 vehicles were checked across Manitoba during 71 Checkstops
- 25 people were charged with either Impaired Driving (Alcohol) or Drive Over .08
- 2 people were charged with Impaired Driving by Drugs
- 2 people were charged with Refusing a Breath Demand
- The average blood/alcohol reading was 150 mgs% (0.150) – nearly twice the legal limit
- The highest blood/alcohol reading reported was 240 mgs% (0.240) – three times the legal limit
Other stats from week two of the 2014/2015 program include:
- Ten (10) alcohol related tiered administrative roadside suspensions
- 438 other traffic related provincial statute (Highway Traffic Act) charges laid
- 4 Liquor & Gaming Control Act (LGCA) offences
- 4 Other Criminal Code Driving offences
There were no traffic related fatalities during the past week. Spruce Plains RCMP also reported a drug seizure of 82 grams of marijuana as a result of a traffic stop.
Last year during week two, there were two traffic-related fatalities. RCMP members conducted 80 Checkstops – checking 1795 vehicles resulting in 16 people being charged with Criminal Code Impaired Driving offences.