Posted on 07/07/2009, 2:03 pm, by mySteinbach

Portage la Prairie RCMP Traffic Services, in partnership with Manitoba Public Insurance, conducted roadside safety stops over the weekend of July 4th and 5th, 2009.

Police performed checkstops at different locations throughout the city, checking motorists for valid driver’s licence, proper registration, speeding and alcohol related offences. 

As a result of police efforts, 91 Highway Traffic Act offence charges were laid and four liquor control act charges. Police also laid criminal charges, including a charge under the controlled drug and substances act, and executed a warrant of arrest as well. 

There were no arrests made for impaired driving during the checkstops. Police would like to remind motorists that open liquor is not allowed in the passenger area of the vehicle, and that liquor must be kept in the trunk, or at the rear most portion of the vehicle.

Cst. Stephen Senuita
Portage la Prairie RCMP
Tel: 204-857-4445
Fax: 204-239-0130