Kicking off Pioneer Days weekend at the Mennonite Heritage Village is the 48th annual Pioneer Days Parade, happening on Main Street in Steinbach on Friday, July 29, 2016.

Pioneer Days Parade on Main Street in Steinbach.
Main Street is expected to be packed again this year to watch the more than 120 entries, including the long-time steam engine entry. Steam Club 71 has again entered this iconic steam machine into the parade, which gives us a glimpse into another era.
“Steinbach has an abundant and proud history that we want to recognize and pay tribute to,” said Lin-da Peters, Executive Director at the Steinbach Chamber of Commerce. “Our city is also really growing and evolving, and that will also be represented throughout the parade entries that celebrate the many different cultures now living in our community.”
The parade is always a great opportunity for businesses and organizations to participate in a community event and hand out goodies to parade onlookers. Peters notes that safety is always a priority. There will be barricade tape lining the parade route and it is important that parents keep their children behind that tape so that everyone remains safe.
The parade will start at the Steinbach Fire Hall at 10am on Friday, July 29 and proceed west down Main Street, ending at Stone Bridge Crossing.