Posted on 08/18/2009, 10:48 am, by mySteinbach

Steinbach MLA, Kelvin Goertzen, says a number of constituents have contacted him wondering when legislation that bans texting and using a hand held cellular phone while driving will take effect.

Goertzen notes that the while the law passed in the Manitoba Legislature in June, the provincial NDP government has indicated that it will not be enforced until after a public awareness campaign this fall. However, drivers who are driving dangerously or erratically using a cell phone could still receive tickets.

“Many people are unsure about what the current state of the law is regarding hand held cell phones. At this point the indication is a public awareness campaign is planned as a first step to the legislation,” said Goertzen.

Goertzen noted that many provinces and states already have bans on using hand held cellular and texting devices while driving and he believes inevitably all jurisdictions will have a ban in place.

While some have raised the prospect of banning other activities while driving, he notes that it is impossible to create specific legislation to outlaw every possible activity that could distract drivers. Instead he said it’s important that all drivers exercise common sense while driving to ensure they are not distracted when operating a motor vehicle.

“At the end of the day, the best way for our roads to be made safer is for all drivers to exercise common sense and courtesy when behind the wheel. Legislation can only go so far and do so much,” said Goertzen.

In addition, Goertzen noted there is already legislation against careless driving which allows for sanctions against people being distracted while driving for whatever reason.