Posted on 09/23/2009, 9:04 am, by mySteinbach

Steinbach MLA, Kelvin Goertzen, is continuing to press the NDP government to commit funding for upgraded operating rooms at the Bethesda Hospital, raising the issue in Question Period in the Manitoba Legislature on Tuesday.

“The operating rooms were built in the 1960’s and they simply are not designed to handle the number of operations that are needed with the growing region and it results in longer and longer wait times,” said Goertzen. “I think its frustrating for medical staff to not have the upgrades and it is certainly frustrating for residents to have to wait excessive times for procedures.”

In response to Goertzen’s question in the Legislature, NDP Health Minister Theresa Oswald stated that the Department of Health is continuing its discussions with the regional health authority and with the community about a new operating theatre for Bethesda Hospital.

Goertzen said while he is glad to know some discussions are happening, there needs to be an actual commitment and timeline for the development of new operating rooms.

“Bethesda is the regional health center for the southeast and it needs to have the operating rooms upgraded to reflect that,” said Goertzen. “It is a priority for medical staff, it’s a priority for residents and it’s a priority for me. I will continue to press until it becomes a priority for the government.”