Posted on 09/30/2009, 10:54 am, by mySteinbach

Steinbach MLA, Kelvin Goertzen, is pleased that the provincial government responded to a call for support to emergency response organizations helping to provide aid to residents of the Philippines devastated by a typhoon and is applauding local efforts to raise funds as well.

“Our province has one of the highest concentrations of Filipino immigrants. They call Manitoba home and they contribute everyday to our province. The same can be said for the southeast part of the province which has benefited from new residents who have come from the Philippines and who have added a great deal to our communities. Our prayers are with the Filipino people both in Manitoba and those dealing directly with the impact of the typhoon in the Philippines,” said Goertzen.

Manitoba has provided $100,000 to the Manitoba Council for International Co-operation to support the relief effort in the Philippines, a move supported by all political parties in the Legislature.

Locally, the Southeastman Filipino Association has set up a relief fund at the Steinbach Credit Union to support those impacted by the typhoon.

“I would encourage those locally who are able and who feel moved to support this cause to do so. We can thank new residents for their contributions to our region by helping those hurting in their homeland,” said Goertzen.