Posted on 10/22/2009, 1:52 pm, by mySteinbach

Based on water testing results at Meditation Lake and feedback from public consultations, the province and Tim Horton Children’s Foundation will now seek another location in Whiteshell Provincial Park for a youth leadership camp. The decision was announced today by Conservation Minister Stan Struthers and Tim Horton Children’s Foundation vice-president Dave Newnham.
“We will look at an alternate location in the Whiteshell to meet the program and wilderness experience needs required by the youth leadership camp proposal while keeping in mind the needs of current and future park visitors,” said Struthers. “The public review held in the spring on the Meditation Lake proposal provided many valuable suggestions that will be considered in the review of an alternative site.”
Water testing at Meditation Lake over the past summer indicated the natural variability in water quality does not meet the criteria for the development of a major camp.  The area at Meditation Lake will continue to provide a walk-in camping experience and access to the backcountry for the public and there are no plans for development.  Work identifying another site is underway and will include public consultations through an open-house format.
The goal of the Tim Horton camp is to help provide underprivileged youth the opportunity to learn lifelong leadership skills through activities and experience in wilderness settings. The proposed facility would host youth aged 13 to 17 in an innovative youth leadership summer program and could be available year-round to Manitoba school children and organizations that provide strong environmental programs.
”We appreciate the support of the provincial government in working to find and evaluate alternative sites in the Whiteshell,” said Newnham.  “We are confident another site will be found that will respect the environmental sustainability needs of the park, and provide a unique experience for children and youth from economically disadvantaged homes.” 
The Tim Horton Children’s Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization providing opportunities for children to develop into positive, contributing members of their communities. It operates six camps in Canada and the U.S., and has provided unique outdoor experiences to more than 120,000 economically disadvantaged children in the past 35 years at no cost to their families.
Open houses in Winnipeg and Whiteshell Provincial Park will be announced later this fall to review a new proposal.