Posted on 03/30/2010, 8:09 am, by mySteinbach

Upgraded surgical rooms still under “Active Discussion”

In response to questioning in the Manitoba Legislature by Steinbach MLA, Kelvin Goertzen, NDP Minister of Health, Theresa Oswald, said that she expects construction on the expansion of the Bethesda Hospital emergency room to be “well under way later this year” and for it to be completed and in full use next year.

Goertzen questioned the Minister about the project along with the need for upgrades to the surgical rooms at Bethesda last Thursday as part of the start of questions around the 2010-2011 provincial budget.

“I wanted an assurance that the expanded emergency room project for Bethesda is going ahead this year and that is the assurance I received,” said Goertzen. “Everyone who has been to the ER in Steinbach knows it is in need of upgrade and expansion. It has been on the books for awhile and it needs to get off the books, into the ground, and open for the public.”

Goertzen said he wanted to ensure nothing in the provincial budget would scuttle the project.

“The project is long overdue and desperately needed and I wanted to ensure that there are no further delays,” said Goertzen.

In response to questions about possible upgrades to the surgical rooms at Bethesda, the Minister of Health indicated that the “upgrades are under active discussion.”

“I would prefer construction to discussion on the surgery rooms,” said Goertzen. “The rooms were not designed for today’s standards or the growth of the area. I wanted to remind the Minister it is still on my radar and I want to make sure it remains on hers as well,” said Goertzen.

Goertzen noted that the problem of a shortage of doctors still remains in the region and he hopes that upgraded facilities will help the municipality attract doctors to live and practice in the area.