Posted on 01/17/2009, 8:00 pm, by mySteinbach

On January 17, 2009 at 2:20 p.m., RCMP Portage la Prairie Detachment were dispatched to a collision between a westbound Via passenger train and a pick up truck towing a trailer (car carrier) who was heading north on Provincial Road 54 west just east of McGregor, Manitoba. 

RCMP arrived on scene, assisted with the McGregor Fire and Ambulance Service, CN Police, Rail maintenance staff and the RCMP Traffic Reconstructionist. The lone driver, a 36-year-old McGregor area man, was taken by ambulance to the Hospital with undetermined injuries. No one on board the train was hurt.

The train struck the pick-up truck on the passenger side and sustained some damage. The railroad crossing at this location is uncontrolled (no stop sign or signal lights).

The investigation continues.

Update 01/19/09:

The driver of the pick up truck was transported to Portage General Hospital, and later transferred to Winnipeg Health Science Centre.  The latest update reported that the driver, a 36 year old man from the RM of Westbourne, was in stable condition.  No injuries were reported by the train’s passengers or staff.  The pick up truck and its trailer were destroyed, and the train sustained some damage, and remained on scene until 6:45 PM. 

The cause of the collision is still under investigation with the assistance of the CN Police.

Sgt. Line Karpish
RCMP Media Relations