Manitobans and visitors are invited to enjoy Canada’s Parks Day July 16 to 18 by taking in a wide variety of family-oriented activities including being an honourary natural resource officer, Conservation Minister Bill Blaikie announced.
“We can be proud of the fine heritage of our parks,” said Blaikie. “This province features many popular campgrounds, beaches and picnic areas in beautiful, natural environments and this weekend is a great time to explore everything our provincial parks offer.”
This year, Canada’s Parks Day celebrates the International Year of Biodiversity and more than 30 provincial parks are featuring special events in honour of Manitoba Parks 50th anniversary.
Scheduled activities include:·
• whirlwind tours in 25 minutes through the history of provincial parks celebrating the golden anniversary at amphitheatres at Grand Beach, Birds Hill, Big Whiteshell, Falcon Lake, Spruce Woods, Hecla and Paint Lake;
• demonstrations by chef Elizabeth at Falcon Lake in Whiteshell Provincial Park on how to whip up creative dishes made from local edible plants;
• Who In The Park’s Got Talent? at Spruce Woods;
• the Hiss of Pisew Falls at Paint Lake;
• the grand reopening of the Wekusko Falls swinging bridge; and
• a campfire program featuring singalongs with interpreters about the history of Manitoba parks at Otter Falls in Whiteshell Provincial Park.
“We are also pleased to move forward with the plan to upgrade the West Hawk Road in the townsite of West Hawk,” said Blaikie, who will announce details of the proposed upgrades at the West Hawk district park office on Saturday, July 17 at 1 p.m. “We intend to gather input from the local community on the new roadway and expect the upgrades will be underway by late 2011.”
The newly refurbished Marsh Trail at Falcon Lake, a part of Manitoba’s Trans Canada Trail, is opening this weekend and plans for the Walter Danyluk Interpretive Trail are being unveiled at the Alfred Hole Goose Sanctuary. Danyluk was the first director of Manitoba’s provincial parks and was instrumental in establishing the provincial park system.
Again, this year, there is no park admission fee at provincial parks, although campground and other fees remain in place. Free park entry is only available in Manitoba’s provincial parks.
More information about Canada’s Parks Day celebrations is available at park offices or online at Online reservations for Manitoba provincial park campgrounds can be made at Reservations may also be made by calling 1-888-4U2-CAMP (1-888-482-2267) or in Winnipeg at 948-3333.