Posted on 10/19/2010, 7:45 am, by mySteinbach

On October 25 and 26, law enforcement, older adults, service  providers and professionals from across Canada will come together, in Winnipeg, for the first Canadian Elder Abuse Training and Information Forum.

It is recognized that only one in five incidents of elder abuse comes to the attention of those that can help. This is an unprecedented opportunity for training on new and promising approaches in recognizing, responding and preventing abuse of older adults. Sessions will focus on training delegates on screening, assessment and prevention tools, including intergenerational opportunities to engage youth in elder abuse prevention.

Law enforcement alone cannot solve the problem.  This event will provide an opportunity for multidisciplinary dialogue, recognizing that an interprofessional approach to elder abuse prevention is key.  The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are committed to working with government and community partners across Canada to raise awareness of abuse of older adults and increase capacity in elder abuse response, investigation and prevention, leading to safer families and communities for all ages.

The event will be held at the Victoria Inn, 1808 Wellington Avenue. For more information on the Canadian Elder Abuse Training and Information Forum, please contact Age & Opportunity at 204-956-6440 or