Posted on 11/09/2010, 7:37 am, by mySteinbach
Steinbach P.C. Delegates

Some of the Steinbach P.C. Delegates at the Party AGM in Brandon (Back Row): Doug Hamm, Kelvin Goertzen, Kim Goertzen (Front Row): Gary Reimer, Ed Penner, Neil Warkentin.

Manitoba Progressive Conservative Deputy Leader, Kelvin Goertzen, said this past weekend’s Annual General Meeting of the Party in Brandon was focused on getting individual candidates and their campaigns ready for next year’s provincial election.

“It’s less than a year till the campaign so we are very much in a heightened state of preparation. A number of candidates, particularly in ridings we don’t currently hold, have been door-knocking for the past year so they are well into their campaigns. The convention was about making sure everyone was focused, on the same page and ready for the year ahead,” said Goertzen.

About 200 delegates attended the weekend convention including several from the Steinbach Constituency. The agenda included workshops on election finance rules, campaign organization and fundraising.

Goertzen noted that the Party is expecting to have a record year for fundraising this year and expects to double its membership from where it was four years ago.

“The Party itself, in a word, is strong. It’s strong financially and strong organizationally. While, there is still work to do in terms of putting together a plan to take to Manitobans, the energy and excitement from delegates makes me believe everyone is up to the task,” said Goertzen.