Vic Toews highlights the Conservative government’s Recreation Infrastructure in Canada (RInC) program.
Canada’s economic action plan invests in hockey arenas and community recreation centres
Vic Toews, Member of Parliament for Provencher and President of the Treasury Board, toured the Anola Community Center and highlighted the Conservative government’s Recreation Infrastructure in Canada (RInC) program, as announced in Budget 2009: Canada’s Economic Action Plan.
To build jobs and stimulate local businesses in communities across Canada, the RInC program will invest $500 million in building and renewing community hockey arenas, swimming pools and recreations centres.
“Rec centres and arenas play an important role in our towns and cities. They are places where we come together as communities to cheer on our teams and to spend time with our friends and neighbours. They promote well-being and healthy lifestyles,” said Toews.
Many of Canada’s community recreation centres were built to commemorate Canada’s centennial anniversary in 1967. After more than 40 years, as well as countless hockey games and community events, many of these buildings need extensive repairs.
“Investing in our rec centres and hockey arenas will create jobs and put money into our local businesses right away. Facilities like these will help us to teach our children about the importance of competitiveness and fair play for years to come,” said Toews.
The Conservative government has allocated $500 million for eligible projects in the next two years, which may include hockey arenas, swimming pools, basketball and tennis courts, soccer fields and recreation centres.
Under the RInC Program, municipalities, First Nations, counties, community organizations and other not-for-profit entities will be invited to apply for renewal funding. This funding may be dedicated to either the construction of new recreation facilities or the upgrading of existing sites and will cover up to 50 per cent of the total project costs.