Steinbach Arts Council invites the public to experience the Steinbach Regional Secondary School’s 9th annual exhibit entitled “Pixels IX”. The exhibit will run from May 9 to June 1 with the opening on May 9 at 7pm at the Steinbach Cultural Arts Centre Hall Gallery.
Digital Photography introduces students to the fast growing field of electronic imaging. This course teaches principles of design,digital imagery and layout, image production and manipulation, scanning, editing text and graphics, and output systems. Students learn to use digital photography as a way to think visually. Pixel-based software such as Photoshop increase technological understanding of digital photography. Traditional concepts of lighting, composition, and design are included to enhance visual creativity.
eMedia encompasses the fields of graphic design and digital art. Students are introduced to the field of creatives, developing ideas and projects related to the production pipeline. This course offers students an opportunity to acquire industry level skills while engaging in creative projects. Students are given some direction and a lot of freedom in developing their creative ideas. They are shown how to prepare their files to be saved and printed in accordance to industry expectations and standards.
Digital Painting and Illustration – Students learn a variety of technical skills and techniques applied to both digital painting and digital illustration. They are required to produce a composition using either a combination of a bitmap based or vector based medium. Students are given the option of recreating existing images or generating something completely original.
Pixels IX is the ninth gallery to be exhibited by students of the Steinbach Regional Secondary School. The Steinbach Arts Council is proud to support our up and coming creative artists! They applaud the commitment of the local high school teachers who encourage and inspire these young students. Come support our local youth! Enjoy speeches and refreshments, and lots of art.
Email with any questions about the upcoming art show!