Twenty-five Manitoba schools will share $10,000 for music projects and events in April, which is Celebrating Music in Manitoba Schools Month, Education, Citizenship and Youth Minister Peter Bjornson announced.
“The celebration of music is a gift students share with their classmates, teachers and families, and the grants schools have received will enhance studies, projects and activities throughout the month,” Bjornson said. “In addition, 661 students will perform music and songs at the Legislative Building over the noon hours on Wednesdays in April.”
Celebrating Music in Manitoba Schools grants enable students and teachers to be coached by professional musicians and they encourage both school and community performances.
In recognition of this special month, student concerts will again be hosted at the Legislative Building on April 8, 15, 22 and 29 between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. The concert series is presented through a partnership between Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth and the Manitoba Music Educators’ Association.
“Internationally acclaimed musicians who had their start right here in Manitoba are known for their creativity as well as talent and genuine enjoyment of music,” said Bjornson. “We’re proud to watch students we’ve encouraged through our music programs as their reputation grows at the local, national and international levels.”