Posted on 04/08/2009, 7:14 am, by mySteinbach

Need to go further and eliminate it all together

Steinbach MLA Kelvin Goertzen who, along with members of the public and other Progressive Conservative MLA’s, spent weeks in committee last spring fighting a controversial NDP bill that gave political parties $1.25 of taxpayers’ dollars for every vote they received, is pleased with the declaration by the NDP that they will not take the money this year.

“This was an issue that was very passionately opposed by Manitobans and one which we as an Opposition fought hard against,” said Goertzen. “Today the NDP have said they will not take the taxpayers money this year under the legislation. That is positive. Now they have to take the further step of committing to doing away with it all together so that it can’t be taken in subsequent years.”

Under the legislation, each political party in Manitoba is entitled to $1.25 annually of tax dollars for every vote they received in the last provincial election. The Progressive Conservative Party indicated when the legislation passed that they would not accept the $200,000 per year they would have been entitled to. Today the NDP have indicated that for this year at least, they will not take the $250,000 they would have been entitled to.

“Political parties should have to rely on the voluntary donations of those who support their policies and should not be receiving any more taxpayer money than is already given,” said Goertzen. “While I am glad that we were able to win the battle on this for the current year, the legislation should be withdrawn completely so the NDP can’t try to take the money next year. If it’s wrong today, it will be wrong tomorrow and it will be wrong next year,” said Goertzen.