Posted on 02/12/2015, 9:44 am, by the City of Steinbach

The City of Steinbach is inviting local residents to a public open house at Steinbach City Hall on February 26, regarding the City’s zoning by-law update. Steinbach City Hall is located at 225 Reimer Avenue and the open house will take place on February 26, 2015, from 4:30pm-7:30pm.

Project Background

The City of Steinbach is updating the City of Steinbach Zoning By-law and is seeking your input. An update of the Steinbach Official Community Plan (OCP) was recently approved by the City of Steinbach and is anticipated to be adopted in early 2015. To ensure that the City’s zoning regulations align with the updated OCP, a comprehensive review and update of the Zoning By-law is being undertaken. In addition to aligning the Zoning By-law with the updated OCP, this review and update will provide an opportunity to improve the usability of the Zoning By-law.

What is the Zoning By-law?

The City of Steinbach Zoning By-law is the planning tool that implements the general policies of the OCP. It regulates land use and development by setting specific standards which include provisions for how land and buildings may be used, where buildings and structures may be located, lot sizes, dimensions, parking, and landscaping. For example, the OCP may designate an area generally for residential use and the Zoning By-law may then zone specific areas for single detached dwellings, townhouses, or apartments.

How can I get involved?

You’re invited to attend a Public Open House. Please stop by to learn about the project, ask questions, and share your opinions on zoning in Steinbach. Presentation boards and materials will be on display for you to see and representatives will be available to engage in dialogue. A second Public Open House will be scheduled to present back to you how your input has shaped the draft Zoning By-law. More information is available by contacting Brock Feenstra at 204-943-3178 or emailing