Property tax statements for Steinbach have been mailed and are due September 30th, 2010.
Tax statements are mailed to the current owners at time of printing. It is the property owners responsibility to obtain a copy should they have recently purchased a property and not received a tax statement.
Tax bills issued this year total approximately $20.3 million, 40 percent ($8.3 million) of which represents the municipal portion. The municipal portion of the realty taxes funds a variety of Steinbach projects, including the asphalt resurfacing of Willow and Beaver Crescents, the wastewater lagoon expansion, rebuilding of the tennis courts and football fields, and the replacement of underground infrastructure on Henry Street and Cedar Crescent. It also funds municipal programs, including the City’s summer beautification program, street maintenance and snow clearing functions. The remaining 60 percent of the annual tax levy is forwarded to the Province of Manitoba and the Hanover School Division to fund various school system projects and programs.
We continue to have strong growth in our community, said Corporate Services Manager, Troy Warkentin, and this has resulted in revenue increases of 1.5 million dollars from last year. Many property owners will see changes in their taxes this year due to provincially mandated assessment revisions which affected all properties. However, despite fluctuations for individual properties, Steinbachs tax rate continues to be the lowest in the province.
If you are expecting a statement and have not yet received a copy or if your mailing address has changed recently, please contact City Hall at 326-9877 or e-mail