Council candidate Cari Penner has been speaking with various groups and organizations within our city, looking at ways each entity supports and encourages a safe community. She says crime prevention is more than just policing; its’ also about creating an environment where people care about each other and can build community. We need to CLIC, she asserts. CLIC, Community Life Improvement Councils, have been successful models of agencies and organizations working together to form, rather than just police safe communities. Families and individuals who are supported can develop social and practical skills necessary for life, giving them opportunities for education and stable employment. This, in turn, creates an environment that can lessen the incidence of crime and victimization.
She notes there is a wide array of organizations that support our families and individuals from birth through adulthood. Supports such as these help people who need assistance by providing food for their families, providing protection from abuse, and offering them a hot meal when necessary. Other social and cultural institutions support the broader concept of crime prevention, such as the cultural arts centre and many sports programs that can positively influence youth. Put together, there are many ways to address the indirect root causes of crime over the long-term.
We have many wonderful organizations in Steinbach, Penner says, that serve our city well. But she emphasizes the need for a more collaborative approach. “A coordinated effort in terms of shared knowledge, infrastructure and programming would better support Steinbach families, Penner asserts.
CLIC (Community Life Improvement Councils) are a way to bring agencies and programs that serve the community together, she says. “Shelter could be provided in the same building where a hot meal is served. Family support agencies might be next door to a food distribution centre. A youth drop in centre can be near a soccer field. Funding, programming and capital outlay could be shared.” “There are many ways that working together could benefit our city”, she says. “Our community supports can be strengthened by sharing resources.”