Posted on 02/19/2011, 8:30 am, by mySteinbach

Aboriginal young people and their families will enjoy watching the Manitoba Moose take on the Lake Erie Monsters at the 11th annual “Follow Your Dreams” night on Saturday, February 19.

The game will take place at the MTS Centre in Winnipeg and the Aboriginal young people and their families will be special guests of the Manitoba Moose, the RCMP, First Nations and Inuit Heath Branch (FNIHB) of Health Canada and Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Youth Secretariat.

Over 3,115 tickets have been provided by the event sponsors free of charge to Aboriginal youth and their families from across Manitoba.

The event focuses on healthy living, choices and suicide prevention and also offers a positive opportunity for youth to get to know RCMP members outside of the community setting. The RCMP will showcase different units, including Community and Aboriginal Policing, Recruiting and Drug Awareness.

There will also be information booths featuring the University of Winnipeg’s WiiChiiwaakanak Learning Centre, Klinic Teen Talk Program, Heath Canada, AMC YS, University of Winnipeg Aboriginal Focus Program, Winnipeg Police Service, APTN and Marlowe’s Magic.

The guest speakers for the evening will be twin sisters Dey and Nite who have recently performed the National Anthem at an NFL game and will be featured on APTN’s “Breaking New Beats”. Also speaking will be Dr. Candace Grier-Lowe who grew up in Thompson, Manitoba and is one of only 112 veterinary specialists with a focus in dentistry.

Participating youth will be treated to hot dogs, and a juice box. Doors open to participants at 4:30 p.m. with pre-game events starting at 5:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Doors open to the general public at 6:30 p.m. with the puck dropping at 7:30 p.m.