On May 19, 2016, RCMP were notified that a 16 year-old aboriginal male youth, Raven Kelly, was missing from Peguis, Manitoba.
On May 31, 2016 at approximately 8am, Oakbank RCMP received the report of a serious collision involving two vehicles at the intersection of Road 40E and 79N, in the RM of Brokenhead.
On June 8, Members of Parliament will vote on Member of Parliament Ted Falk’s Private Members Bill C-239 – The Fairness in Charitable Gifts Act.
On June 1, 2016, Steinbach RCMP responded to a report of of a damaged vehicle that was located on Highway 12, less then a mile north of Blumenort, Manitoba.
The Manager of the University of Manitoba’s Bruce D. Campbell Farm and Food Discovery Centre reports over 30 school groups have visited the facility since the beginning of this year.
On May 29, 2016, at approximately 10:30pm, Selkirk RCMP received the report of an assault at the Behavioural Health Foundation, located on Breezy Point Road in the RM of St. Andrews, Manitoba.
A Mitchell Middle School student has won the annual fire safety contest put on by the Office of the Fire Commissioner and Firefighters Burn Fund.
The Chair of Manitoba Pork remains hopeful lobbying by pork producers will result in reinstatement of an emergency protocol that had helped keep PED out of western Canada.
On June 4th, 2016, Manitobans will have the opportunity to experience the largest airshow in this province in nearly a decade.
The Board of Trustees and administration of Hanover School Division is pleased to announce that Mr. John Terrick has been appointed to the position of Vice-Principal at Mitchell Elementary School, effective fall 2016.