On May 16, 2016, Steinbach RCMP received a number of complaints regarding vehicles had been damaged and personal items stolen.
The Manager of PigTrace Canada reports compliance with regulations requiring the reporting of swine movements is building.
On May 15, 2016, just before 7pm, officers from the Roblin RCMP received a report of a collision involving a car and an open-cab style farm tractor on Provincial Highway 83, near Road 139 N, in Roblin, MB.
The 2016 Manitoba speech from the throne presents a strategic vision for putting Manitoba back on track with initiatives aimed at improving results in health care, education and economic innovation while restoring prudent financial management and open, inclusive consultation to the daily operation of government.
A researcher with the Prairie Swine Center says improved animal health is the first step in reducing the need for antibiotics in livestock production.
Nearly 1,500 impaired drivers have been taken off the road over the last six years thanks to RoadWatch, an impaired-driving initiative sponsored by Manitoba Public Insurance.
Changes to the Domestic Violence and Stalking Act are now in effect and will provide better access to protection orders to assist victims affected by these serious crimes.
The Western Canadian Swine Health Alliance is voicing its concern to the Canada’s Agriculture Minister over the suspension of an emergency protocol designed to keep PED out of Canada.
The Wildfire Program of Manitoba Sustainable Development advises that fire crews continue to make good progress containing the wildfires on the Manitoba/Ontario border.
The creative efforts of two Red River College Creative Communications students are behind Manitoba Public Insurance’s newest campaign aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of impaired driving.