Manitoba Beef Producers is pleased to announce it will again award six $500 bursaries to deserving Manitoba students in 2016.
The Wildfire Program of Manitoba Sustainable Development advises that cottagers and those affected by the wildfires on the Manitoba/Ontario border are invited to a meeting with Manitoba and Ontario officials today at 2pm in the Whiteshell Community Hall in Falcon Lake.
The Wildfire Program of Manitoba Sustainable Development advises that cool conditions assisted crews in making good progress on these wildfires.
The province’s recreational fishing season opens today in southern Manitoba and May 21 in other areas of the province to reflect later spawning.
On May 7, 2016, at approximately 10am, officers from Headingley RCMP received a report of a collision involving two pickup trucks on Road 4W, just south of Highway 2.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for assistance in identifying an unknown pickup truck that recently collided with a parked vehicle in a residential area of Steinbach, MB.
On May 8, 2016, just after midnight, officers from the Dauphin RCMP received a report of motorcycle collision on Highway 10, approximately 11 kilometres north of Ashville, Manitoba.
The Wildfire Program of Manitoba Sustainable Development advises that cool conditions have helped crews make good progress on wildfires in the eastern region.
Steinbach RCMP recently received a report of a break and enter at the Steinbach Landfill yard, located on Hanover Road E in Steinbach, Manitoba.
Manitoba Infrastructure reminds motorists a 48-hour closure of the intersection of PTH 59 and North Perimeter (PTH 101) starts today at approximately 10pm.