This past weekend, Steinbach RCMP made a surprise guest appearance to a local house party, resulting in thousands of dollars of fines being handed out.
The Executive Director of Winter Cereals Canada reports the fall seeded cereal crops planted in Manitoba and Saskatchewan appear to have come through an extremely mild winter in excellent condition with minimal damage.
With the number of older adults quickly growing, the next Manitoba government must address the need to improve transportation options in the province. That was the message from Seniors Vote 2016.
The Canada Border Services Agency is pleased to share February enforcement highlights from its Manitoba operations.
During the early hours of March 31, 2016, Steinbach RCMP were dispatched to a break, enter and theft at a business on Penner Drive in Blumenort, Manitoba.
On March 30, 2016, members of the Manitoba RCMP Major Crime Unit executed a search warrant in Winnipeg following an investigation into a man impersonating a police officer.
The City of Steinbach has released its annual Drinking Water Report for 2015 and is now available for residents to view.
A Marketing Rep with h@ms Marketing Services says the construction of new finishing barns in Manitoba would allow more of the weanlings currently being shipped to the United States to be grown and processed in Manitoba.
Nominations are now closed for Manitoba’s 41st general election. A total of 223 candidates have had their nomination papers accepted by their returning officers.
Steinbach RCMP are asking the public for any information connected to a recent theft incident that occurred in the RM of Reynolds, Manitoba.