Keystone Agricultural Producers is generally pleased with the Manitoba Department of Agriculture’s allocation of the provincial budget recently announced, which remains largely unchanged from 2015.
Manitoba’s Budget 2015 introduces new income tax credits for Manitobans who support and protect their communities by serving as volunteer firefighters or search and rescue personnel.
Keystone Agricultural Producers is urging the Manitoba government to consult with farmers and rural municipalities when deciding how to spend an increase in infrastructure money announced in the recent budget.
Manitobans will have the opportunity to attend pre-budget public consultations across the province to share their vision for the upcoming budget in community meetings and online.
Manitobans will have the opportunity to attend pre-budget public consultations across the province or to share their visions for the upcoming budget in community meetings and online.
Budget 2013 will help more Manitobans train for and access better jobs with new apprenticeship opportunities and supports for those who are ready to work.
The 2013 budget will keep building a better Manitoba for today and the long term by focusing on the things that matter most to families, Finance Minister Stan Struthers announced.
Keystone Agricultural Producers president Doug Chorney says there is not much positive news in the budget for primary producers and rural Manitobans.
Vic Toews, Regional Minister for MP for Provencher, welcomes the new federal budget – Economic Action Plan 2013 – and its continued focus on job creation, economic growth, and long-term prosperity as good news for Manitoba.
The Government of Manitoba will be launching its pre-budget consultation meetings in the coming weeks, allowing all Manitobans the chance to have their voices heard as the government works toward announcing the 2013 budget this spring.