Thirteen years ago, the Puratone Corporation, one of Manitoba’s largest producers of hogs, made a commitment to donate a portion of its profits to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.
With the launch of their new CD, “Gospel”, Rosemary Siemens and Loren Hiebert would like to offer a blessing not only to their listeners, but also to people living with hunger.
During the last two years, our funding from CIDA has gone up from $16 million a year to $25 million a year, says Jim Cornelius, executive director of the Canadian Food Grains Bank.
We had a great year in 2008, and we already have a new growing project for 2009, and I’m hoping for more, said Harold Penner, Manitoba Resource Coordinator for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank as the new year began.
Canadian Foodgrains Bank, supported in Manitoba alone with 25 community growing projects, is providing 9,109 metric tonnes of food to people in Zimbabwe in response to growing need in that country.