The Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network reports protocols designed to protect Canadian swine herds from infectious diseases have been an important part of keeping Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea out of Canada.
The Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network reports so far Canada has escaped a Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea outbreak that’s impacted several states in the U.S. Midwest.
The latest Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network survey of Canadian swine veterinarians shows the number of farms across the prairies infected by swine dysentery caused by Brachyspira appears to be gradually increasing.
The Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network says the software that allows swine veterinarians to share information on emerging disease issues also serves to ensure individual farms are not identifiable.
The Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network says software being used to allow swine veterinarians across Canada to share information on emerging swine disease trends offers a range of additional management options.
The Canadian Swine Health Board reports data collected through the Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network is shedding new light on a common infection that affects swine herds.
The Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network reports a disease simulation workshop has raised questions over who would take the lead in the event of an animal health emergency.
A group of 50 pork industry stakeholders will gather later this month to help the Canadian Swine Health Board test drive the new National Swine Health Intelligence network.
A veterinarian with Greenbelt Swine Veterinary Services says a new system developed to allow swine veterinarians across Canada to share information on developing swine health issues is attracting international interest.
A veterinarian with Greenbelt Swine Veterinary Services says an event detection system, being developed as part of the Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network, will provide earlier indications of developing disease issues.