As swathing begins, now is a great opportunity to capture additional clues about the “why?” behind any underperforming acres, according to Derwyn Hammond, Canola Council of Canada senior agronomy specialist in Manitoba.
Straight cutting canola can improve yield and seed quality and it can be economical, but the right conditions must exist, says Tiffany Martinka, agronomy specialist for the Canola Council of Canada (CCC).
The Canola Council of Canada (CCC) is advising growers in some parts of the Prairies to take more samples than they usually would in order to determine time of swathing.
In the future, farmers may be eliminating one pesticide application on their canola.
The Government of Canada is investing in research that will boost the Canadian economy and help farmers to increase their production of sought-after Canadian canola.
A new $6-million federal government-grower group agreement is paving the way for better coordination of larger scale canola agronomy research projects by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) researchers across western Canada.