Western Canadian farmers have chosen their representatives to help chart the direction and future of the CWB.
To better serve farmers who have feed wheat to market, the CWB has created a new pricing option.
The CWB shipped 600,000 tonnes of western Canadian wheat through the Port of Churchill this season, the second highest volume in more than 30 years.
The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association has written to Hon. Gerry Ritz, Federal Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board asking him to use his authority to instruct the CWB to stop interfering in the director elections.
In recognition of the delivery difficulties experienced by farmers due to wet weather and the late harvest, the CWB is taking steps to help meet farmers’ delivery needs.
Yestderday was World Pasta Day, but there is little rejoicing in western Canada, as there is very little pasta production occurring on the prairies.
The Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) has awarded four grain-handling facilities with its “Grain Handler of the Year” designation, recognizing excellence in the grain companies that serve farmers.
The biggest keep getting bigger, as western Canadian farmers continue to adopt the most popular wheat varieties, the CWB’s 2010-11 Variety Survey shows.
The CWB welcomes the announcement by the Canadian government of an agreement with Indonesia on quality and safety standards.
Durum farmers and certified organic farmers who did not have their product sold last year now have more time to repay cash advances under the Advance Payments Program (APP).