Monitoring swine in Manitoba for a variety of flu viruses remains an ongoing process as part of provincial measures to ensure the health and safety of the pork industry.
The chief provincial public health officer advises that, to date, there have been no reported cases of severe illness in Manitobans or Canadians who have travelled from human swine flu affected areas.
A new influenza virus strain has emerged in Mexico that is causing human disease and the infection has been identified in a number of people in the United States and more than 1,300 in Mexico.
The chief provincial public health officer advises that, to date, there have been no confirmed cases of severe respiratory illness in Manitoba.
The Office of the Chief Provincial Public Health Officer advises that, to date, there have been no reported cases of severe respiratory illness in Manitoba associated with travel to Mexico or the United States.
The Western College of Veterinary Medicine is calling for vigilance to minimize the risk of Canada’s swine herd becoming infected by a human form swine flu.
Influenza viruses can infect a number of species of animals and people. Poultry, pigs and people are commonly infected with horses and dogs occasionally being infected.