Changes to legislation, expected to be introduced in the next session, would result in drivers being suspended sooner for serious infractions.
In accordance with Manitoba’s The Highway Traffic Act, the City of Steinbach enforces the securing of loads for all vehicles entering or exiting the Steinbach Landfill facility.
New amendments to the Highway Traffic Act are now in effect to make Manitoba highways a safer workplace for emergency responders and tow-truck operators by expanding and clarifying the precautions motorists must take when passing emergency personnel.
Proposed amendments to the Highway Traffic Act would permit businesses and farmers to carry heavier loads sooner when weather permits and would allow the province to implement detours for heavy vehicles more efficiently when disaster strikes.
Under changes to the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) that go into effect Oct. 10, motorists will no longer be required to report collisions involving property damage to police, except under certain circumstances.
In conjunction with Manitoba Public Insurance, Central Plains RCMP were out this past weekend conducting a traffic enforcement initiative.
Changes to the Highway Traffic Act that increase sanctions for impaired drivers will take effect on August 15, Justice Minister Swan announced.
Auto thieves who are convicted under the new federal criminal offence for auto theft would immediately lose their driving licences under proposed changes to Manitoba’s Highway Traffic Act.
Amendments to the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) banning text messaging and talking on hand-held cell phones while driving will be the focus of an extensive public education campaign, Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Ron Lemieux has announced.
Changes to the province’s Highway Traffic and Manitoba Public Insurance acts introduced by Attorney General Dave Chomiak would ensure those with criminal convictions for recently created street-racing and impaired driving offences face provincial sanctions as well.