The chair of Manitoba Pork says his replacement will be dealing with a wide range of issues from the management of disease to trade to the replacement of aging production infrastructure.
A professor of agriculture with Newcastle University suggests by engaging in dialogue and showing good faith the Canadian swine industry should be able to maintain the trust of its customers.
A new five-point strategy to support the long-term growth of Manitoba’s food industry, including smaller scale farmers and processors, was announced by Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Minister Ron Kostyshyn.
The film and television industry in Manitoba is thriving and a new Manitoba government investment is expected to further strengthen the industry for those currently working in it and those looking to get into it.
The Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute will receive $735,000 under Growing Forward 2 for new equipment to support applied research projects for the agricultural sector.
A farrow to finish operator in the Argyle area is calling on government to speed up the process of approving the hiring of foreign workers within the Canadian swine industry.
A resolution to increase the provincial check-off producers pay when they sell cattle was passed at Manitoba Beef Producers’ (MBP) Annual General Meeting on Feb. 4, 2014 in Brandon.
The federal government’s newly-announced $15-million investment in canola research will help drive the industry to new heights, says Canola Council of Canada (CCC) president Patti Miller.
The results of a study by Informa Economics, commissioned by the Manitoba Corn Growers Association, shows that the corn industry in Manitoba is stabilizing.
On Wednesday, June 5th, 2013, the Manitoba Food Processors Association hosted their 7th annual Industry Excellence Awards.