High-risk drivers would face stiffer consequences, including increased costs of up to $3,200, for their actions under proposed amendments to the Highway Traffic Act and the Drivers and Vehicles Act.
Proposed legislation has been tabled that would establish the new chartered professional accounting (CPA) designation in Manitoba and a new regulatory body that would cover all accountants.
The Manitoba government has made the report on the Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act (PIDA) available following a review of the legislation.
The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association is pleased to see the passage of Bill C-30, the Fair Rail for Grain Farmers Act.
The Manitoba government is moving ahead with legislation that would open birth and adoption records, and make new adoption records more open.
The Manitoba government has proposed new rules that would address Manitobans’ concerns about misleading and unclear promotions from TV, Internet and phone providers.
The Manitoba government has introduced legislation that would allow Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) to strengthen benefits under the Personal Injury Protection Plan while clarifying its scope, better protect ratepayers from fraudulent claims and offer safety measures such as low-cost winter tire programs.
Earlier this month, the Manitoba government submitted recommendations to the federal government on what should be included in federal legislation to address grain transportation backlogs affecting Manitoba farmers.
The legislation introduced by the federal government to address grain movement in the short and medium terms appears to give farmers a good deal of what they were asking for, says Doug Chorney, president of Keystone Agricultural Producers.
Legislation focusing on accountability, patient safety and ensuring all health professions in Manitoba are governed by consistent, uniform regulations will be proclaimed into force on Jan. 1.