The chair of Manitoba Pork says Canadian participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership will secure continued access to the Japanese market for Manitoba pork and potentially future access to China.
The general manager of Manitoba Pork says efforts to resolve Mandatory U.S. Country of Origin Labelling will be the focus of a delegation representing Manitoba’s pork industry when it travels to Des Moines, Iowa this week for World Pork Expo.
The chair of Manitoba Pork is hopeful the U.S. will respond to the latest WTO ruling by eliminating Country of Origin Labelling as we know it.
The general manager of Manitoba Pork is calling for legislative changes that will open the door for the development of an effective mortality insurance program that will protect pork producers from the losses caused by unforeseen disease outbreaks.
The newly elected chair of Manitoba Pork says, moving forward, increasing the province’s pork production to match processing capacity and creating a hog industry income stabilization program will be among his top priorities.
Manitoba Pork has introduced an 11 step action plan to be implemented when farms suspect they may have encountered Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus.
The Manitoba government’s introduction of a new special pilot project permit evaluation protocol will allow the construction of swine barns in the province to resume under 11 new conditions.
A chemistry professor with McGill University says we need to cultivate an understanding of chemistry, biology, and physics among students at the elementary level and then follow up in high school.
Over 200 industry stakeholders and government representatives are expected to be on hand next week in Winnipeg when the president of Maple Leaf addresses Manitoba Pork’s 2015 Annual General Meeting.
The chair of Manitoba Pork says his replacement will be dealing with a wide range of issues from the management of disease to trade to the replacement of aging production infrastructure.