The Canada and Manitoba governments will fund two new beneficial management practices, Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Minister Ron Kostyshyn announced.
The Manitoba government will provide $94,500 in infrastructure improvement grants to agricultural societies which will be used for fairground upgrades and other priority projects across the province.
Manitoba Conservation and Water Stewardship has cancelled all burning permits, implemented a fire ban and will not issue fireworks permits in the northwest region of the province, due to dry conditions and the high risk of forest fires.
Manitoba’s Budget 2015 introduces new income tax credits for Manitobans who support and protect their communities by serving as volunteer firefighters or search and rescue personnel.
The Manitoba government honoured Multiculturalism Day by welcoming a group of new Canadians to Manitoba. The province co-hosted a ceremony at the provincial legislative building.
Manitoba patients will benefit from a comprehensive, fully integrated provincial system for digital mammography, Health Minister Sharon Blady announced.
Manitoba is modernizing the post-secondary education system to better meet student needs and respond to labour market demands with a new Post-Secondary Education Strategy, which contains system-wide innovations and new partnerships to expand and enhance learning options.
The newly launched Independent Investigation Unit of Manitoba is set to fulfill its mandate of investigating serious matters involving police and providing an impartial service to Manitobans.
Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation reports the province will invest $45.5 million on six highway improvement projects that started this week, as part of the province’s $5.5-billion, five-year core infrastructure plan.
The Manitoba government continues to implement the recommendations of the Small Scale Food Manitoba working group to support the growth and sustainability of Manitoba’s small-scale food sector.