The executive director of the Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative is confident the management of swine ration formulations holds great potential for managing the nutrients contained in swine manure.
Enzymes used to improve the ability of the pig to digest phosphorus have allowed pork producers to reduce the amount of phosphorus added to the diet cutting production costs and environmental impacts.
The executive director of the Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative says the rising price of commercial fertilizer has highlighted the economic value that can be extracted from the use of livestock manure fertilizer.
The vice-president research and innovation with the Canadian International Grains Institute says new strategies to manage phosphorus levels in swine diets are helping pork producers to reduce the volume phosphorus ending up in the environment while cutting production costs.
The Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative is encouraging Manitoba farmers to be aware of the level of phosphorus entering and leaving their farms in preparation for new environmental rules due to take effect in November.
The executive director of the Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative says many of the strategies that can help pork producers reduce their feeding costs will also reduce the levels of nutrients entering the environment through manure.
The Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative is calling for proposals for the creation of a manure management system that better utilizes the principle of gravity to separate the solid and liquid fractions of swine manure.
A soil scientist with the University of Manitoba says diet is one of the factors that will influence nutrient levels contained in composted livestock manure.
A Nutrient Management specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives reports in-crop applications of liquid swine manure fertilizer can result in up to a ten per cent yield increase over the standard fall application.
The Executive Director of the Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative says livestock producers are looking for practical farm-ready solutions they can use for dealing the nutrients contained in manure.