A weather and crop specialist with CWB reports prairie farmers are expecting to plant about the same number of acres this year but more of those acres will be seeded to oilseed and pulse crops and fewer to cereal crops.
The Government of Canada is investing in the marketing of the country’s high quality pulse and special crops to grow international market opportunities.
The Canadian Wheat Board expects oilseeds and some pulse crops to be among the more popular cropping options this spring.
The Government of Canada is investing in new environmentally friendly and more cost-efficient herbicide development so that pulse farmers can continue to succeed in markets around the world.
Eating beans and peas every day is not only good for you; it can help fight cardiovascular disease – the number one cause of death worldwide.
The Canadian pulse industry strongly supports the efforts of the Canadian government towards a possible trade agreement with Morocco.
The Government of Canada is investing in the pulse industry so that farmers can harness new market opportunities and boost their bottom line.
New clinical research recently released shows that eating pulses – beans, peas, lentils and chickpeas – can help combat chronic diseases such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes and contribute to overall good health.