The manager of PigTrace Canada says changes to Canada’s Health of Animals Regulation, anticipated in 2017, will further improve traceability for swine.
The Manager of PigTrace Canada reports pork producers have responded positively to new requirements that took effect this summer for the mandatory reporting of swine movements in Canada.
The manager of industry and policy analysis with Sask Pork says the ability to track the movement of infectious diseases such as Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea is demonstrating the value of Canada’s new swine traceability system.
Manitoba Pork reports information gathered through a 2012 producer survey is playing a key role in developing the infrastructure needed to accommodate swine traceability.
The introduction of Swine Traceability is expected to give Canada’s pork industry an advantage in terms of animal disease response, food safety and market access.
The manager of PigTrace Canada is confident the adoption of traceability will provide the Canadian pork industry a marketing advantage in foreign countries.
The manager of PigTrace Canada expects the reporting of movements of pigs within Canada to accommodate swine traceability to become Mandatory this summer.
The manager of PigTrace Canada is encouraging pork producers to begin preparing now for the introduction of mandatory reporting of swine movements within Canada.
The Agri-Food Traceability Coordinator with MAFRI says, in the event of an animal health emergency, premises identification offers a range of benefits that will help maintain market access.
The Canadian Pork Council expects to have a working swine traceability system in operation on a voluntary basis in advance of regulatory changes that will make the reporting of swine movements in Canada mandatory.