Edith Gagné (nee Lussier)

  • Edith Gagné (nee Lussier)
  • Date of Passing: March 22, 2024
  • Born in: 1925


Edith Gagné (Lussier), aged 98 and formerly of St. Pierre-Jolys, passed away peacefully, with her daughter by her side, on Friday, March 22, 2024.

It is with conflicted emotions and saddened hearts that we share the news of our mom’s passing. Intellectually prepared but nonetheless emotionally bereft, we illogically thought she would keep dancing forever.

C’est avec le coeur lourd que nous venons annoncer le décès de notre chère maman, Edith Gagné.

Mother to sons Bob (Susanne), Maurice (Nicole), Claude (Carmel), and daughter Doreen (René Desaulniers).

Grandmother to Nancy (Darren Skinner), Greg (Helen), Kevin (Nicole), Brian (Amy); Daniel (Lisa), Martin (Lori); Michel (Laurie), Julien (Susan), Christian (Jennifer); Danika (Jordan Chevalier).

Great-grandmother to Justin; Dexter, Cody, Dane; Addison, Jordyn; Charlotte, Nina; Coen, Loch; Sebastien, Elise, Maxime; Ryan, Reese; Zakery, Matt; Archer, Halston, and baby Swade.

Predeceased by her husband Albert (Bert), parents Antonin and Dorothée Lussier, brother Marcel (Pete) and sisters Denise, Rolande, Rita, Marie-Paule, and Gertrude, Edith is survived by her sister Jeanne, sisters-in-law Corinne Montsion and Rita Préfontaine, and numerous nephews, nieces, and cousins.

Born and raised in Ste. Elizabeth, Manitoba, Mom grew up fast and got well acquainted with hard work. She moved to St. Pierre as a young adult to work her first paying job at the Frechette family bakery. This is where she met and married our Dad at age 20. She quickly became part of the Gagné clan sharing many fun times and creating such fond memories.

With Edith as a mom, we were guaranteed an endless supply of sweets! We could expect a chocolate cake with either thick chocolate icing or golden “suc’ à crème” sauce; a homemade chocolate pudding with a liberal sprinkling of white sugar and even her healthy bowl of breakfast porridge or crêpes were served up with several layers of “suc’brun”! No wonder we are all blessed with a sweet tooth!

Mom worked and enjoyed several jobs in St. Pierre. Earlier on at Mulaire’s grocery store, then La Caisse Populaire, and later and most importantly, as secretary to the family company M.A.C. Hauling (Maurice, Albert, Claude). Many company meetings were held around the kitchen table over a cup of coffee. Although very busy, Mom still found time to volunteer with the St. Pierre Hospital Guild and organized many bake sales.

Above all else, what Mom loved most were her grandkids! Everyone of them special and dear to her heart in their individual way. Memère would pack a cooler of sandwiches, watermelon, and cookies, and load up the crew to head out to St. Malo beach, Tinkertown, or the Grunthal pool.

Mom and Dad had just begun enjoying the benefits of retirement such as golfing, camping and being snowbirds when Dad passed away in 1992. A widow at 67, Mom drew on her inner strength and the kindness of her great friends to continue camping and golfing. She spent the winter months in Yuma, Arizona and this is where she discovered the world of dance. It quickly became her passion, or dare we say, obsession. Many new friendships were made during countless hours on the dance floor which brought her endless joy and allowed her to live a long and active life.

Mom will forever be remembered for her spunky personality and flare for fashion. One cannot think of her without remembering her love of glitter and matching outfits. From shoes to earrings, her manicured nails, her hair well done and of course, her lipstick! Mom instilled this very important motto to Doreen at a young age “Never leave the house without your lipstick on!” Duly noted Mom.

Mom spent her final years at Action Marguerite St. Vital. She was well loved and brought joy to the residents and staff with her joking demeanour. When verbal communication became a challenge, she always found ways to still make people smile. If she pointed at you, that meant she saw you and loved you!

We wish to thank Action Marguerite for Mom’s care over the past 3 years and a special recognition to the 2nd floor staff for her exceptional care. They are Earth Angels doing God’s work!

Aurevoir Mom, ta famille au Paradis t’attends.

Your family, your friends, your in-laws, your many dance partners, and Bert awaits you in Heaven’s ballroom for the biggest dance party ever!

“On marche avec toi, on te tient par la main.”

In keeping with Mom’s wishes, no formal service will be held.

Funeral Details
