Marie Dyck (nee Peters)

  • Marie Dyck (nee Peters)
  • Date of Passing: April 28, 2024
  • Born in: 1927


Marie Dyck was born in Plum Coulee, MB., on June 26, 1927, the first of seven children born to Cornelius and Maria Peters and passed away at Vita Personal Care Home, Vita, MB., on Sunday, April 28, 2024.

She was predeceased by her husband, Gerald on September 22, 2017 and by her parents, and her siblings, Martha, Ernest, Cornelius, and Clara.

She is survived by her family: her two sisters Erna Hoeppner, Pauline Giesbrecht (Ed), Pete Penner (brother-in-law) and Eva Peters (sister-in-law); Gerald and Lee Dyck, Ian Dyck and Sandra Hall, Noah and Sage Dyck, Cole and Cameron Hall Joel and Leslie Dyck, Cameron and Allison Dyck, Byron and Maggie Dyck, Reagan and Melissa Dyck, Owen and Emma Dyck, Robert and Arlene Dyck, Christopher and Jasmine Dyck, Emily, Parker and Claire Dyck, Mark and Samantha Dyck, Simeon and Teslyn Dyck, Karl and Kaely Dyck, Bennett and Grace Dyck, Roger and Sharon Loewen, Noelle Lafreniere and Tara Baird, Paul’hiver, Charleaux, and Davineaut, Matthew Kulyk, Jay Loewen, Jody Hartung, Richard and Ann Dyck, Pamela and Jorge Diaz, Andrew and Lucas Diaz, Travis and Samantha Dyck, Kora, Aubree, Grady, Kesler and Bryson Dyck, Colton and Stacia Dyck, Corbin, Stetson, Harvey and Sloan Dyck.

Mom’s early childhood was spent in a little one room house one mile east of Gnadenthal. The family endured plagues of locusts which devoured garden produce, clouds of mosquitoes that came to feast on anything that had blood in it, and winter storms that brought in mountains of snow, and a cold that froze the carried water before the animals could drink it. The little one room house had a cook stove and a little tin heater to keep the place livable. The fuel for the little glowing tin heater was wood, corn husks and rubber tires which had been cut up to fit the heater.

An early job, which she disliked, was being on the big horse while grandpa ran the cultivator between the rows in the garden. She told of how the sweaty horse, the back and forth movement and the rough texture of the horse hair was tough on her backside.

As a young child Mom had rheumatic fever, a fever that affects the heart muscle. Although she didn’t dwell on it, this illness seemed to shadow her life, as if to say, “I have to be careful”. I guess she has been careful, as of today she was almost 97 years old.

Mom loved being part of the music in the church, whether choir, or trios, and then the social time of walking with these youthful choir friends down this pretty lane, the one with the big trees and all of the white picket fences.

She spent two summers (1948 and 1949) working at the Boese Canning Factory in St. Catherines, ON. She revealed in the freedom of being on her own, away from home, touring. Niagara Falls was a hit!

The summer of 1949 was special for another reason – a wedding. On August 7, Mom was married to our dad, Gerald Dyck in Gnadenthal, which according to our dad was the hottest day on record that summer. The reception was in the brand-new chicken barn. Lots of fun!!

In the years following their marriage was blessed by the arrival of their four children, Gerald, Robert, Sharon, and Richard.

In 1957, following the years of Dad teaching in small rural schools, the family moved to Steinbach. Church had always been important to both of them. They embarked on a brave venture in 1961, joining 41 other people in becoming charter members of Grace Mennonite Church. This would be the home church for our Dyck family’s growing up years. We deeply appreciate the care, visitation and prayers of the folks in Grace Mennonite Church while Mom resided in Vita Personal Care Home.

Mom hosted a party for all of the relatives after my baptism at Grace Mennonite Church. It was a picnic lunch in the back yard, it was a Mom thing, getting it all put together.

She demonstrated a lot of stamina. The journey with our Dad had twists and turns that required energy and creativity to survive. She worked hard so that Dad could have a new 20 HP Mercury motor, which took all of us to many a place and on many an adventure. There were the times on the boat when, due to storms, the trip should have been aborted sooner, times with mouse nests in the glove compartment which might have terminated a trip on the spot, the fish entrails tossed on the top of the Westphalia, enticing a bear to go for supper. That one rocked that German van a bit. And yet she kept going. Our Mom was tougher than she knew. She loved us dearly and wished the best for us.

Mom was the family nurse. It was an ear ache to end all ear aches. I was so young. We lived in the teacherage in Kleefeld. The winter winds blew and the house was cold. Tenderly Mom would ask me to lean over onto her lap, and gently drip a little warm milk into my ear. It pained her to have her child in such pain.

Mom was the family safety police. There was the time that we were heading to Gnadenthal for some event. Robert and I were dressed in the best clothes. Dad took the corner heading south fast, and with that the car door on Mom’s side opened and the two of us rolled into the ditch. This is a Mom story, as it happened on that side of the car. Early on our family learned to “stop, drop and roll”. Mom picked us up from the ditch, wiped a bit of mud from our faces, and with that we were off, all of us having become just a little bit tougher. We were none the worse for wear.

Mom was an excellent seamstress. Her delight was to get us all outfitted in ways that spoke of class. For Sharon one Easter, Mom sewed a dress and a coat in shades of light yellow, with the tiniest of white flowers embellishing the fabric. A white hat augmented the prettiest outfit for the prettiest girl in the world. Mom was so proud.

She welcomed our friends, happily sharing space at the table. Mom always seemed to be ready. Her recipe for “Zamp” (that’s mustard hot enough to clear your sinuses) has become part of many a family’s recipe collection. This recipe came from Russia via mom’s family.

Music was highly valued in our home. Somewhere I must have indicated that I would like to play the cello. Wouldn’t you know it, Mom bought a cello for me and arranged for lessons with Mr. Horch. I was off to lessons and to a very mediocre career in cello music. For Robert and Richard, mom provided violins and lessons as well.

Mom served as a deacon at Grace Mennonite Church. She would do extra baking and deliver her delicious cinnamon twists, brown bread or buns to folks who just needed a little encouragement. She would take time to listen and be that whisper of grace in a time when it made such a difference.

Mom was a good sport who agreed to go camping almost every summer, living in a 9×12 tent with all six of us and our dog, Sandy. One summer we were on the road for six weeks. When it rained, and rain it did, the sleeping bags would be wet. Mom’s job was to make breakfast, which was often pancakes, then figure out how to get dry bedding for the next night and get ready for the feature of the day.

One day dad thought it would be a great idea for only the four of us kids to take the boat with the 12 Hp Scott motor and go fishing. We ended up with great luck and catching a couple of huge fish, which included a 16 pound jackfish. We were so excited we came roaring back to share the news.

When we went running up to the camp we concluded that mom and dad had also been lucky. These were such great family times in which mom played a key roll. We would usually make it back home, with a day or so before school started. The sleeping bags and tent were all spread out on the top of the garage to air out and dry. Mom was busy keeping that little Hoover washing machine going full blast all day to get us ready for school. There is no way we could have had these outstanding family times without mom quarterbacking all the daily needs of our young family.

She helped us welcome our babies, was there for their graduations and weddings. Mom found ways cheer us with arms wide open. Thanks Mom for your journey with all of us.

The memorial service will be held on Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 11:00 a.m., at Grace Mennonite Church, Steinbach, MB., with Kyle Penner officiating.

A private family ash interment will take place prior to the service.

Funeral Details

Memorial Service

  • Grace Mennonite Church
  • 430 Third Street, Steinbach
  • Directions: (Google Map)
  • May 2, 2024 - 11:00 am
